The worship team playing! This guitarist (and worship leader) is amazing on guitar! One of the best i´ve heard! awsome music! And this guy is maybe going to Norway next year! Then you all have to see him!
On our way south, we passed some really cool mountain formations! Here is one of them.
This is our hotel, here in Ypacarai. That sky there, is rain, thunder and something close to a tropical storm on its way. Its some hours since we took this photo, and the storm hasn´t arrieved yet. But I hope it will soon!
Motorcycle gathering on the boarder of Brazil. Alot of big, expensive and nice motorcycles. and some crazy people too! They were everywhere. Here they are singing YMCA with playback at a shopping mall. It sounded horrible, but at least this guy with vest had a great time! (Maybe I can find a movie of these guys as well)
The Paraguayan flag. On the airport, when we arrived!
This is 5th or 6th grade at the school in Pedro Juan. They don´t teach english, because they have no teacher. And next autumn it will be possible to go there and work as a volunteer. And stay for free in a brand new house. This is the project Vidar is working with. Just ask him about more information if your interested!!
One of the girls at the day care center. Thumbs up!
(Orcar, Rodrigues and security guy) This guy closest to the camera (Oscar) showed me around in the city. I sat on the back of his motorcycle. He worked at an university for becoming doctors. And he showed me the anatomy classroom. They even had 3 human bodies in a small box filled with formalin. I have a video, but think its abit too much for a blog. I´ll show those who are interested when i get back home =) We had a lot of fun that day, and I had to communicate with spanish and body language! Exciting!
Oscars motorbike. Jesus in flames, how cool is that?
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