Made some movies while I was waiting for my flight!
Denne siste er bare et morsomt sett med strømkabler i Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
torsdag 17. november 2011
tirsdag 15. november 2011
Asunción! (Capitol of Paraguay) + some more
Raining. This is in Ypacarai, our hotel. Just 40km outside of Asuncion.
Brazilian motorcycle peeps doing a show on a big mall. In Pedro Juan. (North East, on the boarder of Brazil)
This is how we have been travelling alot these days! The four of us. Lars, Morgan, Vidar and me. Heaps of hours spend in this car. For example 9hours from Ciudad del Este to Pedru Juan. And 7hrs from Pedro Juan to Ypacarai. Lots of fun!
How many police officers can you fit in one car? Slightly different from Norway...
Souvenirs in Asuncion!
Masks in souvenirs store.
Iglesis Centro Familiar de Adoracion. Huge huge church. This is from the outside. Takes 10 000 people. And they are planning to expand it to 20 000 people. This concregation started as a house group, just 26 yrs ago. In Asuncion. Nothing like this in Norway, hey?
Og de kaller det storsalen i Oslo....?
This is inside Centro Familiar. Amazing!
Brazilian motorcycle peeps doing a show on a big mall. In Pedro Juan. (North East, on the boarder of Brazil)
This is how we have been travelling alot these days! The four of us. Lars, Morgan, Vidar and me. Heaps of hours spend in this car. For example 9hours from Ciudad del Este to Pedru Juan. And 7hrs from Pedro Juan to Ypacarai. Lots of fun!
How many police officers can you fit in one car? Slightly different from Norway...
Masks in souvenirs store.
Iglesis Centro Familiar de Adoracion. Huge huge church. This is from the outside. Takes 10 000 people. And they are planning to expand it to 20 000 people. This concregation started as a house group, just 26 yrs ago. In Asuncion. Nothing like this in Norway, hey?
Og de kaller det storsalen i Oslo....?
This is inside Centro Familiar. Amazing!
søndag 13. november 2011
Photos from the first week!

The worship team playing! This guitarist (and worship leader) is amazing on guitar! One of the best i´ve heard! awsome music! And this guy is maybe going to Norway next year! Then you all have to see him!
On our way south, we passed some really cool mountain formations! Here is one of them.
This is our hotel, here in Ypacarai. That sky there, is rain, thunder and something close to a tropical storm on its way. Its some hours since we took this photo, and the storm hasn´t arrieved yet. But I hope it will soon!
Motorcycle gathering on the boarder of Brazil. Alot of big, expensive and nice motorcycles. and some crazy people too! They were everywhere. Here they are singing YMCA with playback at a shopping mall. It sounded horrible, but at least this guy with vest had a great time! (Maybe I can find a movie of these guys as well)
The Paraguayan flag. On the airport, when we arrived!
This is 5th or 6th grade at the school in Pedro Juan. They don´t teach english, because they have no teacher. And next autumn it will be possible to go there and work as a volunteer. And stay for free in a brand new house. This is the project Vidar is working with. Just ask him about more information if your interested!!
One of the girls at the day care center. Thumbs up!
(Orcar, Rodrigues and security guy) This guy closest to the camera (Oscar) showed me around in the city. I sat on the back of his motorcycle. He worked at an university for becoming doctors. And he showed me the anatomy classroom. They even had 3 human bodies in a small box filled with formalin. I have a video, but think its abit too much for a blog. I´ll show those who are interested when i get back home =) We had a lot of fun that day, and I had to communicate with spanish and body language! Exciting!
Oscars motorbike. Jesus in flames, how cool is that?
Two short videos.
Video from one of the classrooms in the school and day care center in Pedro Juan.
Quick overview when me and Vidar was out for a walk..
Quick overview when me and Vidar was out for a walk..
lørdag 12. november 2011
Brazil and Paraguay!
Im in an internet cafe now, and my camera is not here. So cant provide any photos or videos! Hopefully later! Since Tuesday, we have been living in a city called Pedro Juan, in north East Paraguay. On the boarder to Brazil. Half of the city is in Paraguay, the rest in Brazil. So ive been to Brazil almost everyday, eating and looking and stuff.
We are staying at a day-care center and school. Wich was started as a day-care center, but grown into school as well. For kids who dont have any places to go, they offer their services. nearly 200 kids are going there, and they also house some people who doesnt have any other place to go! An amazing work, and they are helping so many children! No future hope nearly, is turned into an opportunity for those children!
Vidar has been working on a volunteer project, and we have been to a meeting in a local pentecostal church. The manager of the day-care center is also i Pastor in that church! He and his wife is really amazing people! We are going to a meeting tonight as well, were Vidar is going to preach. And tomorrow we are moving on to a city called Villarrica, where we also will attend a meeting, before were going to Ypacarai. We are staying there for 2 nights, in a Hotel. And on of those days, we are travelling into Asuncion (the capitol) to look around and have some nice food and stuff!
After Ypacarai, me and Vidar will take the bus to Ciudad del Este (the city in east) and from there we will take the plane back to Sao Paulo, Frankfurt and Oslo! We dont know too much, and were not planning that much. things just happens when it happens, and thats cool!
Ive meet alot of people, both norwegians and paraguay. Ive learned some spanish, but still really hard to communicate! And i notice now that my english is poor, because ive focused so much on trying to understand spanish! Please accept that!
well, i have to go. But at least some of you know abit of whats going on! Have fun in the rest of the world, and i see yall soon!
We are staying at a day-care center and school. Wich was started as a day-care center, but grown into school as well. For kids who dont have any places to go, they offer their services. nearly 200 kids are going there, and they also house some people who doesnt have any other place to go! An amazing work, and they are helping so many children! No future hope nearly, is turned into an opportunity for those children!
Vidar has been working on a volunteer project, and we have been to a meeting in a local pentecostal church. The manager of the day-care center is also i Pastor in that church! He and his wife is really amazing people! We are going to a meeting tonight as well, were Vidar is going to preach. And tomorrow we are moving on to a city called Villarrica, where we also will attend a meeting, before were going to Ypacarai. We are staying there for 2 nights, in a Hotel. And on of those days, we are travelling into Asuncion (the capitol) to look around and have some nice food and stuff!
After Ypacarai, me and Vidar will take the bus to Ciudad del Este (the city in east) and from there we will take the plane back to Sao Paulo, Frankfurt and Oslo! We dont know too much, and were not planning that much. things just happens when it happens, and thats cool!
Ive meet alot of people, both norwegians and paraguay. Ive learned some spanish, but still really hard to communicate! And i notice now that my english is poor, because ive focused so much on trying to understand spanish! Please accept that!
well, i have to go. But at least some of you know abit of whats going on! Have fun in the rest of the world, and i see yall soon!
tirsdag 8. november 2011
VIP Lounge in São Paulo
Here is a short movie from todays experience in São Paulo !
Don`t know if the sounds is good, wasn`t able to try it!
Photo from the airport! Trying out the new camera.. (wich is not mine)
Don`t know if the sounds is good, wasn`t able to try it!
lørdag 5. november 2011
English - My Saturday at GUS
I just wanna write a little on how my Saturday has been! I'm travelling to Paraguay in about 42hrs, and the battery for my videocamera hasn't arrived yet. Hopefully it will be here before i leave!
Here is my Saturday:
First, I was woken up by Henrik from Denmark at noon, and we went hiking 10 minutes after! Up on a mountain (I think its the biggest in Akershus, about 800 meters above sea level) But it was fog all over the place, so we couldn't see anything! Still we made a great dinner with sausages and chocolate on the top! After hiking I took Priestly from India to the train station, before i visited Gerson and Andre from Brazil. We made pizza and watched football/soccer. The day ends with packing for Paraguay (haven't started yet), at the same time as Esther from Australia is hanging around chatting.
And yes... The school is in Norway. It just doesn't always seem like it!
Adding some photos from GUS this autumn. View from my room, and some people. The photos is in the norwegian version of this blog. Should be just below this one!
I just wanna write a little on how my Saturday has been! I'm travelling to Paraguay in about 42hrs, and the battery for my videocamera hasn't arrived yet. Hopefully it will be here before i leave!
Here is my Saturday:
First, I was woken up by Henrik from Denmark at noon, and we went hiking 10 minutes after! Up on a mountain (I think its the biggest in Akershus, about 800 meters above sea level) But it was fog all over the place, so we couldn't see anything! Still we made a great dinner with sausages and chocolate on the top! After hiking I took Priestly from India to the train station, before i visited Gerson and Andre from Brazil. We made pizza and watched football/soccer. The day ends with packing for Paraguay (haven't started yet), at the same time as Esther from Australia is hanging around chatting.
And yes... The school is in Norway. It just doesn't always seem like it!
Adding some photos from GUS this autumn. View from my room, and some people. The photos is in the norwegian version of this blog. Should be just below this one!
NORSK - Min Lørdag på GUS
Vil bare kort skrive om hvordan min lørdag har vært. Reiser til Paraguay om ca. 42timer, og batteriet til videokameraet har fortsatt ikke kommet. Forhåpentligvis kommer det før jeg drar!
Så, her er min lørdag i kort trekk:
Ble vekt av en Henrik fra Danmark klokka 12, og vi tok av sted ut på tur! Opp på en fjelltopp (tror det er den høyeste i Akershus på ca 800moh). Men tåka lå tett, så vi kunne ikke se noenting! Lagde oss likevel en flott middag på toppen, med pølser og sjokolade! Etter turen kjørte jeg Priestly fra India til togstasjonen, før jeg dro på besøk til Gerson og Andre fra Brasil. Vi mekka pizza og så på fotball. Dagen ender med pakking til Paraguaytur, samtidig som Esther fra Australia henger rundt og skravler.
Og ja, skolen ligger i Norge. Det virker bare ikke alltid helt sånn!
Legger ved noen bilder fra GUS denne høsten. Utsikten fra rommet mitt, og litt folk.
Vil bare kort skrive om hvordan min lørdag har vært. Reiser til Paraguay om ca. 42timer, og batteriet til videokameraet har fortsatt ikke kommet. Forhåpentligvis kommer det før jeg drar!
Så, her er min lørdag i kort trekk:
Ble vekt av en Henrik fra Danmark klokka 12, og vi tok av sted ut på tur! Opp på en fjelltopp (tror det er den høyeste i Akershus på ca 800moh). Men tåka lå tett, så vi kunne ikke se noenting! Lagde oss likevel en flott middag på toppen, med pølser og sjokolade! Etter turen kjørte jeg Priestly fra India til togstasjonen, før jeg dro på besøk til Gerson og Andre fra Brasil. Vi mekka pizza og så på fotball. Dagen ender med pakking til Paraguaytur, samtidig som Esther fra Australia henger rundt og skravler.
Og ja, skolen ligger i Norge. Det virker bare ikke alltid helt sånn!
Legger ved noen bilder fra GUS denne høsten. Utsikten fra rommet mitt, og litt folk.
tirsdag 18. oktober 2011
Brazil vs. The Car
Here is my first video, from my new camera! =)
So lets see if I can make it work or not!
So lets see if I can make it work or not!
mandag 17. oktober 2011
Hei igjen!
Nå er det omtrent 1år siden jeg skreiv noe på denne bloggen.
Vil bare si at jeg skal prøve å få blogga litt her nå jeg er på tur detta året.
Det vil si:
Paraguay: 7 -17 November
Israel: 5. Januar - ca. 15. Februar 2012
Håper på en del videoer her også.
Short english version:
I will start to use this blog again, when I'm travelling this year.
Hopefully you can read about my journeys to Paraguay in November, and Israel for 6 weeks in the beginning of coming year. Hoping to add some videoes as well.
Nå er det omtrent 1år siden jeg skreiv noe på denne bloggen.
Vil bare si at jeg skal prøve å få blogga litt her nå jeg er på tur detta året.
Det vil si:
Paraguay: 7 -17 November
Israel: 5. Januar - ca. 15. Februar 2012
Håper på en del videoer her også.
Short english version:
I will start to use this blog again, when I'm travelling this year.
Hopefully you can read about my journeys to Paraguay in November, and Israel for 6 weeks in the beginning of coming year. Hoping to add some videoes as well.
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