lørdag 7. juli 2012
mandag 30. april 2012
torsdag 19. april 2012
Heisann folkens!
For alle dere som ikke har sett ho enda, her er noen bilder av meg og den flotte jenta mi, Rachel.
For all you that haven't seen her yet, here are some photos of me and my wonderful girlfriend, Rachel.
fredag 13. april 2012
New and old!
Hello everyone!
Here are some more photos. Old and new! From 3 different countries =)
Here are some more photos. Old and new! From 3 different countries =)
Handstands in a park in Dublin, Ireland. Easter 2012 with my classmates! =)
Handstand competition!! Easte 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
Grimstad, Norway. Spring 2010. Me and Henning were out for a walk!
SCOTLAND! September 2009. Me and Andreas!
torsdag 9. februar 2012
Me and the Tub!
I’m now going to share with you some hours from my life, Wednesday night the 7th of February 2012! (I guess this is how it would look like if I was crazy good at Twitter!)

10:00 pm – I just got back to the apartment in Bir Zeit and its freezing both outside and inside. The apartment is in the 5th floor, and I’m alone. The Brazilians are in Haifa. (Another city up north)
10:10 pm – I decide to have a bath in the tub. Very excited! Turn on the switch which heats the water before I read while waiting for the hot water.
11:00 pm – Starting to fill the tub. Nice and hot water!
11:11 pm – Entering the tub, while it’s filling up.
11:15 pm – Realize that I’m running low on hot water.
11:17 pm – Realize there’s no hot water left. The tub is less than half full.
11:20 pm – Decide to boil water on the stove to add. Get out of the tub, and put a tiny towel around my waste.
11:25 pm – Desperately looking for matches or something to start the fire on the stove. It’s cold to be almost nude in this apartment!
11:29 pm – Turn on the kettle to get some hot water, still looking for ‘starting-fire-tools’!
11:31 pm – Electricity cuts out! It’s completely dark and I’m, almost naked, in a stranger’s apartment!
11:32 pm – Stumble myself to the bedroom to find the head torch. (I never travel without it)
11:35 pm – In towel and head torch. I’m finding the way to the info that the owners left about this place. There are two fuses that usually blow. One of them is in the apartment. One of them is not. It’s in the first floor.
10:10 pm – I decide to have a bath in the tub. Very excited! Turn on the switch which heats the water before I read while waiting for the hot water.
11:00 pm – Starting to fill the tub. Nice and hot water!
11:11 pm – Entering the tub, while it’s filling up.
11:15 pm – Realize that I’m running low on hot water.
11:17 pm – Realize there’s no hot water left. The tub is less than half full.
11:20 pm – Decide to boil water on the stove to add. Get out of the tub, and put a tiny towel around my waste.
11:25 pm – Desperately looking for matches or something to start the fire on the stove. It’s cold to be almost nude in this apartment!
11:29 pm – Turn on the kettle to get some hot water, still looking for ‘starting-fire-tools’!
11:31 pm – Electricity cuts out! It’s completely dark and I’m, almost naked, in a stranger’s apartment!
11:32 pm – Stumble myself to the bedroom to find the head torch. (I never travel without it)
11:35 pm – In towel and head torch. I’m finding the way to the info that the owners left about this place. There are two fuses that usually blow. One of them is in the apartment. One of them is not. It’s in the first floor.

11:37 pm – Checking the fuse in the apartment. It’s all good.
11:39 pm – Dress up in pyjamas and running down the stairs. Don’t trust electricity right now, so no elevator.
11:42 pm – Switch on the fuse, and hope it’s the right one.
11:45 pm – Waiting for the hot water and warming with kettle. Give up the stove. Determent to have my bath. Hope the water will keep warm.
00:00 am – Still going strong… Waiting…
00:08 am – Kettle takes 1,5L. And use about 5 minutes to boil. Wonder how many kettles one tub can take.
00:09 am – Push-ups while waiting…
00:11 am – Kettle to bucket. Refill kettle. Refill cups that will refill kettle. Bucket to tub! Starting to get the technique now! 5 kettles done.
00:14 am – Push-ups and waiting for next kettle to boil.
00:15 am – I think the temperature in the tub is falling a little bit.
00:17 am – New kettle to bucket to tub; No. 6.
00:22 am – No. 7
00:23 am – Brushing my teeth. Waiting.
00:26 am – No. 8!
00:31 am – No. 9!
00:32 am – Piddle break
00:33 am – Do you know that feeling? When you’ve decided to finish something…? Yes you do!
00:36 am – No. 10!!
00:37 am – We never had a tub back home, so I never to this. Therefore I don’t know how much water I need before I can go in. About 15cm water now. I’ve decided to go in after next kettle! Fingers crossed it will be enough water!
00:40 am – Kettle No. 11! I’m going in!
03:19 am – WORTH IT! Best bath ever! Blue Like Jazz (book) made me re-realize, for real, that God loves me! And that was exactly what I needed!
03:41 am – Goodnight!
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